Green Rankings 2012

For the fourth time, Newsweek has published its listing of America’s Greenest Companies. To come up with the top 15, the magazine looked at data from the nation’s top 500 companies, and compared their records to determine which are the most eco-friendly. To analyze the data, they partnered with Trucost and Sustainalytics, two of the leading environmental research companies.

Here are the top five on Newsweek’s just-released list.

#1 IBM

“IBM’s ‘smarter planet’ products help clients measure and reduce their resource consumption—and save money. At its Zurich lab, water that cools a supercomputer is used to warm nearby buildings.”

#2 Hewlett-Packard

HP has lowered its emissions by more than 50 percent since 2005, and has pushed its suppliers to get green as well, effectively refusing to work with paper companies linked to deforestation and illegal logging.”

#3 Sprint Nextel

“Sprint was the first telecom to collect and reuse discarded devices and it gives online buyers credits every time they turn in their old phones. By 2017, it hopes to recycle nine of every 10 devices it sells.”

#4 Dell

“The computer maker creates almost zero waste, reusing or recycling an astoungin 98 percent of its nonhazardous by-products. It’s a leader in smarter packaging, using bamboo instead of cardboard.”

#5 CA Technologies

“The management software provider lets 30 percent of its employees work from home, cutting back on pollution from commuting. Bu 2015, it plays to buy 25 percent of its electricity from renewable sources.”